Последние события

Рисовая диета: меню, эффективность и польза для женского здоровья
Рисовый детокс поможет тебе очистить организм от накопившихся шлаков и токсинов, «перевоспитать» аппетит (тяга к вредным продуктам постепенно уйдет), а также обрести фигуру своей мечты! Данная рисовая диета рассчитана на 36 дней: 4 этапа по 9 дней каждый.
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Эти диеты для похудения осенью легко выполнимы - ведь в это время года овощи и фрукты более чем доступны. Капустная диета: минус 2 кг за 3 дня
Дынная диета: как похудеть на 6 килограммов за 7 дней
Главное преимущество дынной диеты – в том, что на фоне быстрого получения результата, в период похудения ты совсем не будешь испытывать голод. Ведь дыня отлично насыщает.
Кроме того, после дынной диеты ты отметишь заметное улучшение упругости кожи и уменьшение целлюлита.
Черешневая диета: как потерять 3 килограмма всего лишь за 7 дней
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Сельдерей для похудения: как сбросить вес с помощью этого полезного овоща
Несмотря на то, что лето уже позади, прекращать работу над своими здоровьем, рационом и красотой не стоит. Сегодня, к примеру, мы подскажем тебе, чем полезен сельдерей и как можно использовать его для похудения.
Джусинг: или как создать модельную фигуру, худея на соках
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«    Июль 2024    »


Как вы оцениваете свою фигуру?
Лучшая из лучших
Хорошо, но нет предела совершенству
Не обращаю внимания
Я завидую худышкам

Idle Angels

Idle AngelsIdle Angels is an Android RPG game from MUJOY Games that you can download on PC or Mac using BlueStacks. In it, users control the angels who fight against the monsters of chaos. In order for you to quickly understand the essence of the game and understand its mechanics, we have prepared a short guide for beginners.

In the main menu of redeem codes, you will find five tabs from which players can access various features of the game.
A beginner's guide to Idle Angels. Characteristics of angels, combat system and other features of the game.
"Hall". Here you can summon new heroes, smelt excess equipment, complete daily quests and participate in PvP battles. As you level up, the hall will be unlocked and more features available. In addition, here you can choose the angel that is on your profile avatar.
"Angel". Here you can manage your angels and improve them, as well as keep track of which characters you don't have yet.
"The battle". By going to this section, you can take part in battles against monsters or bosses.
"Guild". Here you can find or create guilds of angels, so that you can then complete special quests and receive rewards.
"Chat". A section in which players communicate with other users.

Angels are the main characters of Idle Angels. There are about a hundred characters in the game, from which you can recruit a team using summons or collecting angel shards. A beginner's guide to Idle Angels. Characteristics of angels, combat system and other features of the game

Angels come in three classes: Mage, Warrior and Archer. A character's type determines his fighting style. For example, magicians specialize in magical attacks and affect several enemies at the same time. Warriors are specialists in offensive attacks on the front lines. Archers are great at dealing damage from a distance.
A beginner's guide to Idle Angels. Characteristics of angels, combat system and other features of the game

Each angel is unique not only in appearance, but also in skills. Active skills are strong special attacks that heroes periodically use during battles, while passive abilities work on their own and do not need to be recharged. Additional skills can be unlocked by awakening the angel.
A beginner's guide to Idle Angels. Characteristics of angels, combat system and other features of the game

Each angel is characterized by rarity. The less the Angel is found, the more valuable it is for your squad. Finding such a hero is very difficult, often rare characters cost an order of magnitude more than ordinary heroes. Here are all the rarity classes of angels
Detailed information about the characteristics of angels will be presented in a separate guide.

Fate is a special function that grants an angel a temporary buff during combat, such as additional strength for area attacks. A beginner's guide to Idle Angels. Characteristics of angels, combat system and other features of the game

To find out the fate of an angel, go to the "Angel" tab, select a character and click on the icon that looks like two diamonds. Angels can have more than one destiny. Sometimes the presence of specific angels in the team is required - if this condition is met, the owner of fate receives a powerful boost. In Idle Angels, an angel's abilities can be enhanced or vice versa. are weakened depending on which class of opponent you have to deal with.

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